Friday, November 28, 2008

Yes, I like romance novels.

Once upon a time, I decided an easy way to make money was to write romance novels. Never mind that I had never written anything closely resembling a novel in my life. I figured, "How hard could it be?" However, I HAD heard that you needed to be familiar with the genre you chose.

So, off I go to the book store and find a rack of series romances (like Harlequin and Silhouette). I grabbed a couple at random and went home to read them.

Oh. My. Word. They were so dreadful (my opinion) that I couldn't get halfway through either. The whole idea of writing romance went out the window.

Fast forward a few years... My sister calls me to recommend a book (Did I mention that we are voracious readers?) She gave me a lengthy description of how wonderful the book was, before finally admitting it was a romance. But, I promised to read it since we usually had the same taste. After reading REMEMBRANCE by Jude Devereaux, I learned an important lesson: Even the romance genre has good authors -- you just have to know who you like!

Friday, November 28, 2008

It's me again. FINALLY. I found a layout I like and updated my blog today. 'Bout time.

Well, today is Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Otherwise known as "shop til you drop" day. As expected, people were waiting for stores to open before dawn this morning. Sadly, their fervor was terribly illustrated by the 5:03 am death of a worker at Walmart in New York somewhere. They believe he had a heart attack. They also believe he was trampled since he was at the front door when the store opened. The shoppers were NOT happy when the store had to shut down. I'm sure Walmart wasn't happy either.

This is a very sad story. But before we condemn all of humanity for "what we've become," we should remember: None of this tragedy was planned. There was no malicious intent. Only a very few people would have been involved if he was indeed trampled. Many people who made it into the store probably didn't even know what happened. I don't know about you, but I'm saying a prayer for the victim's family and for all present.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I agreez

I got this hilarious photo from

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthin' Babies!

OK, so I love cats. LOVE LOVE LOVE them! For the past two years, my cup runneth over with kitties. Big kitties, little kitties, skinny kitties, fat kitties, black kitties, gray kitties, tabby kitties. I've been blessed!

You see, there was a miscalculation about when a particular male kitten would reach maturity. I was out of town, so I plead innocence. We ended up with three pregnant females before Stinker (the male) was fixed. We've given some of the kittens away -- we had eleven left until Friday, September 12. At 5:00 o'clock p.m., Mama Kitty (her name, aka "itty mama" aka "Mama") gave birth to five gorgeous babies!

This wasn't the first time I've prepared for and watched kitten birth. This was Mama's seventh litter, after all. Don't worry... I'm having her fixed when she is finished nursing. None of the births were planned, but Mama does love her boyfriend. We have found good homes for all of her babies over the last five years.

Mama is an outdoor cat that was only a few months old when my roommate and I started feeding her. Even to this day, she prefers the outdoors. I'm hoping that will change after she is spayed. I would have done this before, but I've been travelling a lot the last year, and nothing seems to get done while I'm away. But, I'm home now.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

So I Finally Made a Blog!

This was an impulsive move. I have lots of opinions and lots of stories. My friends have often told me I should blog. Here I am... I'm blogging.

I'm sorry my first post isn't more informative. Problem is, my butt hurts from sitting in this darn chair in front of my computer for too long. I sat here for four hours before I decided to start this. I'm also hungry. It's decided then... I'm taking a break, and will return later to personalize my new blog. See you later...