Saturday, March 21, 2009

World of Warcraft

I've gone and gotten myself addicted to an MMORPG... an online multiplayer game. World of Warcraft had been a huge hit long before I discovered it. But, I'm picky. I've played Guild Wars, and really enjoyed it for a time. The difference with WOW is that it encourages relationships among players. Yep! Actual friendships within the game. You have to work with others to achieve many goals, and it is so easy to find help in the game. Of course, if you really, really are a loner, you can solo the group quests. But, I think you'll fail many times before success.

I even started my own Guild. I can't imagine where I got the idea that I could convince others to actually join MY guild. There are so many to choose from, after all. But they did, and I am so grateful! I was even at a low level when I created the guild. Yet some 30 people have joined and I am pleased to say we all get along wonderfully. I've got some awesome members way above the level I've achieved, and they are kind enough to help anyone who needs help. Even me!

That reminds me... I need to write a post about ONLINE FRIENDSHIPS: REAL OR VIRTUAL?

PS... The name of my guild is Galileo Copernicus, and my characters are named Lolacat / Lolacatt / Lizacat. If you play, look me up!