Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthin' Babies!

OK, so I love cats. LOVE LOVE LOVE them! For the past two years, my cup runneth over with kitties. Big kitties, little kitties, skinny kitties, fat kitties, black kitties, gray kitties, tabby kitties. I've been blessed!

You see, there was a miscalculation about when a particular male kitten would reach maturity. I was out of town, so I plead innocence. We ended up with three pregnant females before Stinker (the male) was fixed. We've given some of the kittens away -- we had eleven left until Friday, September 12. At 5:00 o'clock p.m., Mama Kitty (her name, aka "itty mama" aka "Mama") gave birth to five gorgeous babies!

This wasn't the first time I've prepared for and watched kitten birth. This was Mama's seventh litter, after all. Don't worry... I'm having her fixed when she is finished nursing. None of the births were planned, but Mama does love her boyfriend. We have found good homes for all of her babies over the last five years.

Mama is an outdoor cat that was only a few months old when my roommate and I started feeding her. Even to this day, she prefers the outdoors. I'm hoping that will change after she is spayed. I would have done this before, but I've been travelling a lot the last year, and nothing seems to get done while I'm away. But, I'm home now.


tiff said...

I remember you telling me about when you came home and found out about the results of Stinker's dalliances. (Is that not an awesome word? Thanks for the opportunity to dust it off!) I'm so happy you're life is filled with gorgeous little furballs, but woman, get those cats fixed!

You see, I'm jealous of your kitten bonanza, and I'm too far away to come visit. ^__^

Happy belated Caturday!